WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE BEAUTIFULLY BROKEN? I've talked before about how I see my life as a mosaic. How God has taken things in my life that were whole and broke them and is now putting it back together to create a new picture. It still contains remnants of the old, just re-purposed in a different way, with new pieces being added daily. For the art cover on my podcast, I chose to take a picture of a mosaic bowl Greg and I got while we were in Israel a few years ago. It's a replication of a mosaic found in a catholic church that stands right by the Sea of Galilee called Church of the Multiplication. They made this mosaic in their floor to represent where Jesus would have done the miracle of feeding the five thousand men plus women and children. When you think of this miracle, you have to understand what Jesus had just experienced. The loss of His family member, His cousin, John the Baptist. Before Jesus heals and multiplies, He is first hit by death and He does what mos...