WHAT'S IN A NAME? JEHOVAH (YAHWEH) Why do I love looking at the names of God? Because they represent who He is and His characteristics. The first name we looked at was Elohim, which describes God as The Creator. He can create something out of nothing. The second name of God that we are going to look at is the name Jehovah. Jehovah is one of the main names God uses for Himself. In fact, it is used as His name over 7,000 times in the scripture! The first time we see this name of God in scripture is in Genesis 2:4, "These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD (Jehovah) God (Elohim) made the earth and the heavens." There is actually another name here for God, Jehovah, in the Hebrew language that describes His names as YHWH. We added the vowels to say the name Yahweh, but we are just guessing at the pronunciation. We find out later in scripture that this is the PERSONAL name of God. If you were to ask me what my n...