ALIENS AND FINAL DESTINATIONS On July 8, 1947, the US Air Force announced that it had found a flying disc, and that disc was then put into the possession of the US Army. It was found in Roswell New Mexico and shipped to Ohio for further inspection. It was said to be made out of a weird tin foil like substance that you could crinkle up in your hand, but it would bounce back like nothing had ever touched it; completely devoid of crinkles. Of course, then the official story changed to it was just a crashed weather balloon. And those who believed otherwise were quickly called crazy. The lovely name "conspiracy theorist" didn't come about until 1963 after JFK was murdered. If you didn't believe the Warren Report, they labeled you with that moniker. I'm not saying that I'm a conspiracy theorist, but I know who the first one was...His name was Noah. He preached redemption and righteousness to the people of his town for 120 years while building a boat. And once the r...