As the late great Marilyn Monroe once sang: "A kiss on the hand might be quite continental, but diamonds are a girls best friend. A kiss may be grand, but it won't pay the rental on your humble flat, Or help you at the automat. Men grow cold as girls grow old, and we all lose our charms in the end. But square cut or pear shaped, these rocks don't lose their shape, diamonds are a girls best friend! I am a huge Grace Kelly fan and I think my fascination with diamonds started while watching To Catch A Thief. Her in her beautiful white dress with a glistening diamond necklace adorning her neck. I'll never forget going to the jeweler for the first time with Greg to pick out my diamond engagement ring. It was a round cut with four little diamonds on each side in gold. I loved that ring until I accidentally threw it away one day. True story!! I still get so sad thinking about my gorgeous ring of love sitting in a nasty garbage dump somewhere in Phoenix. (sigh) I was talking...