Death sucks. The process of dying is heartbreaking. And for my family, that process lasted over 4 years. However, the good thing about knowing that you are going to die is the fact that you get to stress to those you love, those things which are most important to you. For Greg, those most important things were stories, memories and messages to his family, particularly his children.
Of course, Greg had done a lot of sharing with his kids as he deteriorated, trying to think of all the events of life and reminding the kids of how good God had been to us. Then he thought about the future events he wouldn't be able to help guide them through and he said all the things he thought he would have wanted to say to them for the occasion. Even in this, Greg did it with passion and hilarity. His catch phrase to Brooke always being, 'Remember, boys are bad' and to the boys, it was always about how important family was; to take care of each other, their sister and mom. To me, he must have said, ' I love you' a million times. I wish it could've been a million and one, but even then, I would not be satisfied. But always, he talked about how faithful God was to him, even in the dying process.
By the time we were told there was nothing more we could do for Greg and moved him to hospice, his speech was so hindered, it took me forever to make out what he was trying to say. Most days we just spent in compatible silence, trying to enjoy breathing the same air for as long as possible. We had been there for a couple of weeks when Greg had a particularly bad day. We thought he might be dying, so looking at me with  pleading eyes and I knew he had something important to say. Boy did he ever. He wanted to write his kids final letters. I don't think Hollywood could write a more heart-wrenching story  than what I experienced that night. A father who longed to be with his children, but knowing he couldn't, trying to write one more love letter to them. It took us several hours as I struggled to understand what he was trying to communicate. The letters are beautiful, each one specific and meaningful to each different child. After he died, I typed them out and framed them, giving them to the kids on their subsequence birthdays. And while my children love and appreciate them, they weren't in the room to see the struggle and anguish that went into writing those letters for both their father and mother. Those last words he was ever going to say to them. They weren't throw away sentiments or an offhanded comment. They were specific and precise. They were important.
Knowing how important those last words of Greg were to him, it just made sense to look at the final words that Jesus spoke before He died. I had seen first hand how important it was to a dying person to leave instructions, so I decided to study the words from my mentor. The last important messages Jesus wanted His people to know. They were said at the last supper to His disciples. They were specific and precise. They were important. Jesus starts out offering to comfort them, knowing that they will be devastated when He's dead. He tells them again that He is God; the way, the truth and the life. That only in Him is there salvation. He then tells them He will not leave them as orphans (or as my children call themselves, horpans - half orphans😂) That He will be sending a helper. Someone who encourages and exhorts. And this Spirit will help them to know and discern the truth about what He had been saying to them for 3 years. Then He goes into those beautiful, descriptive scriptures about the vine and the branches; that if we abide in Him, He will abide in us. About how much He loves us and wants us to love others. He wraps it up by telling His friends that life is hard and it's about to get harder for them. They thought they had experienced inconvenience and intolerance but He warned them about the hatred that was about to come their way because of Him. Then He says the most amazing words! In John 16:33, Jesus says, "BUT TAKE HEART; I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD." What a mind blowing way to end some of the final thoughts you want to speak! In my mind, Jesus is summing things up for them...'Hey guys, life is about to get really ugly and painful for you, but you know who I am, so keep believing. I'm going to send someone to help guide you through life so you're going to be ok. Keep trusting in me and obeying my words because I know the ending and we are the over-comers!' I know His words are way more in-depth than that, but it helps me to think that Jesus can relate to me on a more personal level.
Studying His words have been so helpful to me. Though they were said to His disciples, they hold true for us who believe in Him. I know I tend to underestimate the power that is in me because of the Holy Spirit. No matter how sad or scared or frustrated or confused I get in life, I have the source of all truth in me to help guide my life. If I am in obedience to Him and living in His will, I know He is with me and will guide me. What peace I have from those precious words spoken so long ago! A final love letter to me.
Greg's final words to his kids were summed up about the same way- You can do this thing called life, even though it's about to get hard and maybe even harder than this impending death. You can do it, IF you look to the ONE who overcame it and walk in confidence that we are over-comers too! Look to Jesus, the source of all truth, to know how to live this beautifully broken life.


  1. So beautifully said have lived a lot of hard for your age, but you are a shining example that He takes care of His own...Blessings to you sweet Lori❤️


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