Let me start out by stating this fact: God is good. For all the times I have screamed at Him and asked Him the why's of my life (at least a thousand times), He still shows up in my life to offer me things that are good.
I often think of my life in metaphors. A fairytale, a comedy, a tragedy, a mystery, etc. Being widowed, I often feel like a castaway. At the beginning, it felt like I was in the middle of a raging ocean with no land in sight and now I feel like I'm on a desert island. Just me and Wilson, my volleyball...no wait, wrong story. Just me and my neurotic dogs. But recently, another castaway floated by my island. A fellow widow who is surviving just like me.
I've known this women for several years. We went to church together and were even in a Bible study where she spoke wisdom into my life. Life moved us in different directions, but we were able to connect and catch up. I am very open about where I am at in life, struggling to find my place, feeling like I have no direction and at times, no great purpose. She was able to relate with me and tell me her struggles and what she did to restart her life. This women basically reinvented herself. I am so impressed and so moved by her determination to move forward in life. It was as if God sent a tropical breeze to my deserted island.
Once again, God is good. I didn't even know that I needed to hear her story. I didn't even realize that talking with her would impact me so greatly, but God did. In Matthew 7, Jesus is teaching His disciples about how to live life. I love how practical Jesus is! He was telling them to ask for what they need, to seek it out and that God would help them find what they are looking for. Then Jesus puts into a practical analogy for them. In verse 10 He says, "Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Gather who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!" I can totally relate to this example! As a mother, I only want what's best for my children. I love them, care for them and would lay down my life for them. I love giving them gifts, especially those gifts that they were longing for. I love to see the joy in their eyes when they open it up and know it was from me because I know what they like, what they want, what they need. Because I am their mother. I know so many of the intimate details of their lives that sometimes I can see, before they can, things that they will need or simple enjoy.
God views us in such a similar way, only with a greater love and greater passion. I love that He will orchestrate our lives in such a way to provide the things that we need (even things we don't know we need) and sometimes simply to bring us comfort or joy. Let me encourage you today that you are not alone. If you, like me, feel like there is no one around you who understands what you are going through, let me encourage you that the One who loves you most knows exactly where you are at in life and wants to bring a fresh breeze to your deserted island. Reach out to Him and ask Him to help you and heal you. And don't be surprised when He brings along the unexpected blessing you need to get through your beautifully broken life.


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