FROM BAD TO GOOD Have you ever had that well meaning person who just says the exact wrong thing to you? Someone with good intentions, who means to encourage but ends up making you feel worse? A few months after Greg died, I was at a function where a well meaning man was talking to me about my loss. I was sincerely answering his questions about how I was feeling, which already had me feeling somewhat vulnerable. Then he threw out the scripture that I so did not want to hear. He could have quoted anything, but he went to the one passage in the Bible that I have struggled with so much... Romans 8:28, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose." I am one of those people who love to write in my Bible. I even use highlighters and different colors to show different perspectives of scripture like when God is directly speaking and when there are promises from Him. I even w...