THE GHOST AND MR CHICKEN In honor of Halloween being this week, I thought I would share a family tradition that we do here at the Rohlinger house. It started a long time ago with my brother. He was a huge Andy Griffith fan and loved the actor Don Knotts. My brother, Steve, was also my youth pastor growing up and would show the movie "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" to our youth group for movie night. That is where I fell in love with it. After I married Greg, I initiated him to the movie and somehow we started watching it with our kids and eventually our friends and their kids and it became our movie of choice for the weekend before Halloween. Now each year, we gather around, eat good food and even better treats and watch it together, with me being super annoying and quoting all the lines. I just can't seem to help myself.🤷🏼♀️ There are so many good lines! "When you work with words, words are your work." Here's a little history of the movie: After leaving t...