I'M GONE WITH THE WIND I talk to myself. A lot. Sometimes in my head and other times I will straight up have a conversation with myself out loud. I try and keep those "episodes" to myself while at home, but you do it enough and sometimes you forget while you're out. I use to look away sheepishly when caught, but, I'm not even embarrassed by myself anymore. I'd much rather return a look that says "Caught you staring at me, Creep" than except the fact that I might be the one who is acting a little strange. I remember Greg talking about his single dad and how he always use to talk to himself. Maybe it does have to do with single parenting, but I tend to think it's more of a being alone thing. There is no one around to have a conversation! What do you do when you have important news to share?!? Why not say it aloud and tell yourself and then you both can be amazed at the information! Make sense? Enough of me trying to justify my crazy. Here's ...